Thursday, September 24, 2015

Domme and the Dordogne

"Just to glimpse the black, mysterious river at Domme from the beautiful bluff . . . is something to be grateful for all one's life". Henry Miller

I'd have to agree, although the the Dordogne River was blue when we were there. We saw many places to rent canoes alog the Dordogne and you can see a few in the picture, just lazily drifting along with the current, with not much human effect required.

There were pretty manicured fields across the river, further enhancing the scene.

We crossed ad recrossed the Dordogne River many times over the course of several days and rode beside it for many kilometres. Besides Domme, we saw stunning towns perched on the cliffs over the river and pretty houses like these in Miers:

On one of our crossings of the river, we came across this picture-postcard scene in Saint Sozy. (Gosh, I wonder if the next generation will even understand that reference to a postcard?)

In terms of pretty houses, our own B&B was very attractive:

And the meals by the chef-owner not only tasted fantastic, they were gorgeous to behold. How would you like to face this for breakfast?

DInners were even more spectacular but I somehow munched into them before taking photos! On mange bien en France. In fact, a Russian couple we ate with both nights was touring France specifically for a gastronomic tour (especially since sanctions had deprived them of many of their favourite foods).

I loved the Dordogne area.

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