Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Brittany Day Two

Our first stop on our drive north in Brittany was at Sable d'Or, where we gazed and stretched for a long time (something our bodies really needed) on the steps from the dunes down to the beautiful beach.

After another brief stop to take in the rugged coastal scenery

we headed to the iconic Cap Frenel lighthouses (old on the left and new on the right)

As we walked out on the headland, the hill was covered with a prickly yellow plat that a lady said was agonc(?). Great contrast with the deep blue of the sea.

Our next stop was a dramatic Fort La Latte, perched high above the sea with great views over the ramparts.

Fort La Latte was our last stop before heading off to Avranches, our jumping off spot for Mont St. Michel.

But a few last remarks. My memories of Brittany will include so many lovely houses, in grey stone or white stucco outlined in stone as opposed to the honey stone further south, and huge beautiful hydrangeas. Although we were at the tail end of the bloosoms there were still a few to give us a hint of how beautiful it would be in summer. So, a few summary pics of hydrangeas and some pretty houses.

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